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Mick Palmesano
November 6, 1971 - March 6, 2022

Strength is something we always got form Mick. It is uncanny that his life has always been steeped in “rock,” because he was always seen, by all who knew him, a source of strength, a comfort, a rock.  Even now, after losing Mick to ALS, we feel his power, and it gives us the drive, and the courage, to wage war against this insidious disease.


To see Mick’s own physical strength deteriorate so abruptly and rapidly, senselessly, with an unreasonable fury, in the prime of his life, has shattered his family and friends. From the day he received his diagnosis we told Mick we would never stop fighting until we see the day when all other families facing ALS are told, “There is a cure!”


Mick was, and still is, our world.  And your support, means the world to us.  Together we are going to reach our goal.


The Palmesano Family


There's a bond that's stronger than any other - and that's the tie one has to a brother.

A line of communication that's often shown, by trusts and confidences to you alone.

And there's an unwritten rule about affection, love is shown by loyalty and protection.

With childhood conspiracies in a past behind, we are left with a friendship to last...

about a lifetime.           -Diane Esser, 1983

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